Author: Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen is a golf writer specializing in tech product reviews. Though he's more of a golf junkie than his scores would suggest, Marc vows to break 80 by the end of the year, with the specific year to be determined. He's also never one to shy away from a well-made old fashioned cocktail.

Golf Bags

Originally published in October 2021, this has been updated as of February 2023 to include updated pricing and specs. I’ve always wanted a Sunday bag. Don’t get me wrong. I prefer to walk using a larger bag with my pushcart for the majority of my rounds, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. And when there are a few beverages involved, or the heat is excessive, or I’m playing 36, I still love riding in a cart. But a Sunday bag has always had a certain romanticism to me. I’ve always kind of admired the stripped-down, back-to-basics vibe that…

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The first thing that struck me about Cutter Golf wedges was that they look, well…odd. I mean, really strange. I’m pretty confident that any longtime golfer is going to have that same initial reaction. The shape of the head is just so foreign to what you’re used to looking at when you stand over a golf shot. It looks almost triangular – and huge; totally different from a traditional clubface. So right off the bat, my skepticism was a bit high. Before I hit a single shot, I seriously doubted that this club would be an actual candidate to have…

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