Author: Sean Ogle

As the Founder of Breaking Eighty Sean has spent the last 10+ years reviewing the best golf products and golf courses in the world. He prides himself on only writing about products and courses he's experienced first hand, and helping others find exactly what they need to enhance their enjoyment of the game we all love so much.

Check out Optishot 2 on Amazon In this Optishot 2 review, I give my hands on opinion of whether or not Optishot really is the best golf simulator on the market at this price point. I don’t know about you, but for me, I feel like one of the coolest things for any golfer to have is an at home simulator in their living room or man cave. You watch Michael Breed on Morning Drive, and you’re just like, “man that looks cool! I want one of those!” Especially those of you on the east coast right now. An indoor simulator is…

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This is my hands on review of the Adidas Adipower Boost Golf Shoe… — Last week I was in Vail, Colorado on a ski trip and got a phone call from my girlfriend. “A package arrived for you.” I had a feeling I knew what it was, but I told her to open it and sure enough it was my brand new Adipower Adidas Boost golf shoes. “It’s a pair of Adidas golf shoes. I hate to say it, but they look really cool!” She works for Nike.. Adidas Boost Golf Looks After returning from my trip, I opened up…

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Man, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a proper course write up – but after playing Waverley Country Club for the second time, I realized it was time to change that. For the past few months I’ve been all over the place doing work for my main business, and aside from a week at Bandon – haven’t done a whole lot of golf travel. Gonna need to make up for that later this year. So with nearly a dozen Top 100 Courses that I’ve played and still need to do a write up on, why on Earth would I be…

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At this year’s PGA show I was kind of surprised, it wasn’t the new tech or gadgets that totally blew me away this year. Rather, it was a couple boutique, American made, lines of mens clothing: Holderness & Bourne and Mizzen + Main. I wrote about Holderness & Bourne’s beautiful Byers duffel bag a couple months ago, but their new shirts may even top that. However, that’s not the point of this article. As I was walking the floor I stumbled across a company I’d never heard of before called Mizzen + Main.  As I was perusing their collection of…

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Before I go too far into this story, there’s one thing you have to understand. The last time I went down to Bandon Dunes was in February of 2014. This is what ensued: So my friends thought I was a little crazy when I scheduled another winter trip to Bandon. This time it was for 5 days in early January. What many people who aren’t from Oregon don’t understand is it can be 65 degrees and sunny at Bandon in January just as easily as it can be 40 or rainy in July. It’s just the way the Oregon coast works. I…

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Up until recently I’ve never been a good enough golfer to take my gear that seriously. I was an 18ish handicap, who played once a month, and really believed my clubs didn’t make that much of a difference. That has changed this year, as I’m sitting on 100 rounds year to date, and my handicap has dropped to around a 10. Slowly but surely I’ve come to the realization that an upgrade in my clubs was going to be necessary across the board if I wanted to continue to make strides in my game. One of the most crucial things I needed was…

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One of the coolest parts of this blog has been the “you should meet” factor… The more I’ve established myself here, the more I talk to people who say things like “you should meet so and so”. The latest example of this was an introduction my buddy Al made to Alex Holderness and John Bourne. The pair met at grad school in Yale, both went into finance, and last year left their positions to focus full time on their refined golf gear and apparel business Holderness & Bourne. Immediately I could tell I was going to like the guys. We…

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Of all the courses I played in Scotland, there’s one that didn’t quite fit in: Trump International Golf Links. And I think that’s one of the reasons I insisted that we make the effort to play it. Unlike just about every other course we played (save for Kingsbarns), Trump wasn’t built over a hundred years ago – it wasn’t even around a decade ago. In a country where there’s so much emphasis on history, it’s pretty shocking to see a new course (a Trump one nonetheless) come in with such high praise. Everything I’d read before traveling was that the…

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Did you know Jack Nicklaus made golf balls? Neither did I until I recently got the chance to test them out. And I’ve gotta say, it might be time you start paying attention, as there are some unique aspects to Nicklaus balls that could make it worth of putting in your bag. This year after incredible amounts of testing by the one and only Jack Nicklaus, the Nicklaus companies rolled out 3 lines of golf balls: the white, the blue, and the black. Already, they’ve done something right in making it stupid easy to figure out which balls to use.…

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You can buy Game Golf on Amazon here. You can buy Arccos Golf on Amazon here. OR Buy Arccos on their website. As you’ve noticed over here, I’m all about golf technology. I think if we’re going to get a younger generation playing more often, the more we can leverage technology to help them grow their game – the better. This year there are two names that I’ve heard more than any other when it comes to pushing the limits of golf technology: Game Golf and Arccos Golf. Game Golf has been around for about a year now, and they’ve…

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