Update November 2017:
My concerns below still hold true, but now that the Bushnell Tour V4 is selling for $249? It’s worth considering, as the feel, optics, and build quality are a couple steps above similarly priced products (though still lacking behind the X2).
Update July 2017:
I’ve revised my review on this, because frankly after a year of using it, I’ve found some of the initial quality issues that popped up have creeped their way back in.
Difficulty locking onto the target and what often felt like inaccurate readings have left me a little disappointed with the V4. If you really want a Bushnell I’d spend the extra money on the excellent X2 or find an older V3 which people still rave about for their reliability.
Original Review
Over the years I’ve reviewed a few different rangefinders, but none has necessarily been the exact perfect fit for me.
I tested Bushnell’s highest end Pro X7 a couple years ago, and it performed flawlessly. However it was big and expensive.
Definitely more of a caddie’s device, rather than a player who is carrying their bag.
I also reviewed Golf Buddy’s LR5s. This was more reasonably priced, but I always had some issues getting it and keeping it in the correct mode. I also really missed the jolt feature of the Bushnell Rangefinders.
So when I got my Bushnell Tour V4 with Slope I was stoked – as I really was thinking this could be the perfect rangefinder I’d been looking for.
Compact, easy to use, and accurate. What more could you ask for?
Did it live up to expectations?
The short answer is, absolutely…at least eventually.
When I first got my Bushnell V4 with Slope I got it out on the course, and while I loved everything about the look and feel, it simply wasn’t performing the way I expected.
The jolt wasn’t really working, and it seemed to be giving me inaccurate readings. I was shocked that a brand as reputable as Bushnell that is touting this as their “latest and greatest” could perform so poorly.
A quick peruse through some Amazon reviews, confirmed a few other people were having similar issues.
I reached out to Bushnell about this, and was happy to get a response saying:
“We’re so sorry Sean, some of the early V4s had some issues, we’ll put a new one in the mail for you immediately.”
After 4 rounds with my second Bushnell V4, I can safely say it’s the perfect rangefinder that I’ve been looking for.
Let’s go into more detail.
First Impressions of the Bushnell Tour V4 with Slope
Out of the box, I was really impressed with how the Bushnell V4 was looking.
After 4 rounds with my second Bushnell V4, I can safely say it’s the perfect rangefinder that I’ve been looking for.
It was smaller than I expected, fit in my hand really well, and came with a standard hard case and a protective silicone cover for the device.
They say it’s about 30% smaller than the previous generation V3 rangefinder, and weighs less than 6oz. So if you’re one of those people who wants the lightest bag possible (unfortunately, I’m not one of those people), you can feel comfortable knowing this device won’t break your back when you add it to your bag.
The average golfer would have no trouble attaching this to their bag and carrying it. Like I said, my previous review of the Bushnell X7 was great, but it was literally almost twice the size of the V4. It performed beautifully as well, but who really needs to shoot a pin 550 yards away?
I had no problem easily adjusting the eye piece to fit my eye.
There’s only one button on this device that controls everything – which was a bit concerning at first. However, upon using it I found it to be really easy to switch between slope/non-slope mode and to get my distances.
Once I received my device, I immediately headed out to my back deck to try and shoot some yardages.
The device turned right on, and I shot over at my neighbors house: 87 yards.
It found my spot quickly and accurately.
I was ready to get the new device out on the course, and really put it through it’s paces.
Bushnell Tour V4 with Slope On the Course
Once I got onto the course, I walked up to the driving range, pulled out the Bushnell V4 and fired it at a flag:
I got an immediate, and reassuring Buzzzzzz – with the number 155 yards.
Off to a good start.
The original one I received, wouldn’t lock onto the flag properly. It often took 5-7 shots to get it to give me the jolt – and when it finally did there was often a 2-3 yard discrepancy.
I had zero problems with this on the replacement device.
First green, pull it out – immediately I get the buzzz and 117 yards.
Second green, a super fast 123 yards.
Throughout the next couple rounds, I did my best to try and make the Bushnell V4 mess up.
I’d shoot under tree branches at a pin 175 yards away with lot of other trees in the background – it had no problem shooting everything I threw at it, reliably and accurately.
When you turned the slope on, it displayed the degree difference and slope adjusted yardage right below the actual yardage. It made it easy to view and worked well. Personally, I like to use more feel and tend to trust myself more than a slope adjusted yardage, but it’s still a nice feature to have.
I also had it out in some light rain earlier this week, and due to it being water resistant, I had no issues or worries whatsoever.
I also tell you about my issues with my initial device specifically to help ease concerns about either a device you might have or reviews you might see on Amazon.
If you pick up a V4 and find that it performs worse than you were expecting, get ahold of Bushnell immediately, and get a replacement device.
I’d have no doubt they would make it right regardless, but it’s worth noting the 2 year warranty is really solid for a device like this.
Bushnell Tour V4 Final Thoughts
I feel confident saying that for the average golfer the Bushnell Tour V4 with Slope is the best rangefinder I’ve tested, and it’s the one that I’ll be personally using for the foreseeable future.
If you’re debating between this and other rangefinders on the market, here are a few thoughts:
The Golf Buddy LR5 I’ve used works well, but I found switching between modes to be a little bit cumbersome. That said, it’s almost half the price – so if cost is an issue I would have no problems recommending that.
I haven’t used some of the other rangefinders in Bushnell’s lineup, like the Tour Z6. My guess is that it performs extremely well. It doesn’t have the slope feature, and it also measures distance down to the tenth of a yard, which, let’s be real – you’re not that good, so it’s probably unnecessary.
The previous model Bushnell Tour V3 is great, it will just be a little bit bigger, a little bit heavier, and a little bit slower than the new V4. If that doesn’t bother you, then save a few bucks and pick it up instead.
The Bushnell Tour V4 is the best example I’ve found of size, ease of use, speed, and accuracy in a rangefinder so far.
The slope feature is kind of cool, but if you play a lot of tournament golf or just like knowing the actual distance – then you can save some money and get the non-slope edition and be just fine.
Bottom line?
Despite being on the upper end of the price range, this is the best rangefinder on the market for the average, amateur golfer. The size and weight improvements over the V3 are a welcome addition, and I do find it to fit in your hand a bit better.
So, if you’re in the market for a new golf range finder, and want the cream of the crop? Look no further than the Bushnell Tour V4 with Slope – you won’t be disappointed. And if you are? Talk to Bushnell 🙂
After all, there’s a reason that in their latest commercial Rickie says “99% of professional golfers play Bushnell.”